Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lover + The Australian Ballet

A Dance For One. from LOVER® on Vimeo.
'Black Swan' kinda confirmed my thought that if I ever raise a daughter, I will not encourage her to pursue ballet. Mind you, I must admit that as a child, I was quite envious of all those other little girls who did take ballet lessons. Such grace! What poise! Look at their posture! I do find it mesmerising to watch (even if I am secretly pondering whether the ballerinas are tired and hungry and tortured). I guess you could say I'm conflicted about ballet, really, but I do wish I had Amber Scott's posture.

1 comment:

  1. I feel conflicted about ballet too Carmel, but I do take Laura to classes. We go because Laura loves dancing and music. Hugo has started to ask about it, because Laura loves it so much. The thing I enjoy most about Laura's ballet is the expression on her face while she dances: she really feels the music. It's hysterical, but beautiful.
